Here a juvenile - very different in appearance.

This is the world’s largest venomous snake…but here is a small little juvenile that looks completely different to the adult.
This little guy is actually bright yellow, with up to 65 chevron-shaped black bands down his body. These bands also go across the head and snout. This bright colouring of the juvenile fades and the adult is tan, almost to black. Compare the two stages below....
This wonderful snake is highly intelligent, has very sharp eyesight unlike many other snakes, and will mainly only eat snakes! It is one of the very, very few snakes that will guard its nest, which is the only time it can be considered aggressive/more defensive. Bites from this snake are extremely rare (I have never heard of one in Hong Kong), as it will avoid contact, and only strike defensively, when cornered. I have seen a documentary where it shows that it even growls to warn elephants not to step on it!
Lunch time....nom, nom.

Please see a complete feature about this wonderful animal over at our sister site,
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