Given the popularity of the post yesterday on a wild Leopard cat, I thought I would point out that you too can see these elegant animals at KADOORIE FARM AND BOTANICAL GARDENS…. Which segways nicely into reminding people of HK Snake’s FB page drive to raise money for them…which ends tomorrow…so act now.

(Note these pictures are of the Leopard Cat sisters, Chomel and Manis, which are at the mammal display at Kadoorie Farm. Yes, these were taken outside the enclosure and through the glass…so you too can get some Leopard Cat pictures! Go visit now).

From William Sargent
So here it is!!! A chance to attend a special Hong Kong Snakes PRIVATE BEHIND THE SCENES scenes tour of Kadoorie Farm or a private Snake Safari with fellow admins... Kadoorie Farm Botanical Gardens play a unique and critical role for Hong Kong (a hub for wildlife smuggling) in conservation and education. They also deal with ALL the captured snakes (which used to be killed) and other exotic/endangered animals that turn up in the territory.
To celebrate our 10,000 member milestone, we are going to try and raise HK$10,000 for Kadoorie Farm... and here's an amazing incentive for your contributions.... 5 donors (plus their guests) will be selected at random to take part in a private behind the scenes tour of Kadoorie Farm, including a visit to the infamous snake intake room (where they process all their snakes).
Private VIP tour of Kadoorie Farm...
26th September, 9.45am-11.30am*
20th September, 7.30pm-10pm*.
Details to be sent to the winners. Winner = top 5 highest fundraisers + 1 guest.
Please see details in this link:
*If you cannot make this time, you may nominate a friend to go in your place. Each winner can bring one guest
