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The Brown Tree Frog

Just an excuse for some more pics of this cute little frog...the the brown tree frog (Polypedates megacephlalus). Actually this is not a true tree frog, but part of the bush frog family, so it should really be known by its other names: The “Hong Kong whipping frog” or the “Spot legged tree frog”

Seen here in a pond on the Peak.

This is the only frog in Hong Kong that lives on trees and bushes. A common frog - best seen in the ponds at Kadoorie Farm, just follow the noise! - it is a hardy and adaptable species and has been found on many of Hong Kong’s smaller islands where there is barely enough water for breeding. Many frogs appear quite urbanised, and will use standing water in built up areas to establish spawning colonies once a year.



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