Here are some new images of this lovely bird is of course the RED-BILLED BLUE MAGPIE
(Urocissa erythroryncha). i cannot decide which crop i like best of these painterly distant choose...

and these are the older pics

Often seen in flocks of three
to five birds, the red-billed
blue magpie is a noisy bird often
calling from the tops of trees, but
it can also be seen feeding on the
ground. This raucous, vividly-colored
magpie is a member of the crow
family, Corvidae. A voracious hunter,
it robs nests of eggs and also chicks,
and eats other smaller vertebrates
which can include snakes. Often
seen in groups, communicating with
constant, raucous, hoarse calls. Look
for its bright scarlet bill, extensive
white crown and long tail.
common and widespread across
lowland and foothill forests, gardens,
and urban parks like Shatin park where
people feed them.
SPECIES ID: Conspicuous long tail, with iris,
bill and legs all red. Blue upperparts, black
head, but a white underbelly. Very noisy,
making various calls and whistles.

Great photos of a beautiful bird.
Arguably Hong Kong's most beautiful bird ... and sticks to the maxim that the more beautiful the bird, the uglier/squawkier the call!