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Our only native Agamid lizard

I have done so many posts on this lovely creature, with so many variations...but this one was on TAi Mo Shan, in late November, and I was taking a picture of a butterfly when he tried to grab it! I had not seem him at all.

Interesting that he is mid shed. The only native Agamid lizard the pretty Changeable Lizard, or Common Garden lizard is a ubiquitous site in Hong Kong. 變色樹蜥 Calotes versicolor.

can you find him in this picture below?


Generally dark brown or olive wish some banding. Grows quite large, up to 40cm and they can vary quite considerably in colouring...sometimes mottled and darkish brown, whilst other times has deep red chest to head colours with a bright red and black throat. Females not so colourful. Has a large triangular head. Older specimens have a crest, and the scales are highly keeled. the tail is very long and thin, often banded.


Loves to sun itself...and can often be found in the plants and shrubs next to pathways. Not often found in forests. you can hear them scrabble about and then they remain stationary looking at you as you get quite close, cocking their eye at you, and then they will leap to safety.


Widely distributed throughout Hong Kong.


all kinds of insects....crickets, cicadas, beetles etc


Breeds in spring....lays eggs in the soil in summer.

here a close up...crop of the first picture.



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