Although the competition was cancelled, many of us went out over 24 -27 April to log and record and identify species. Using the amazing free citizen science APP called, funnily enough, iNaturalist.
In all 460 people managed to get out in Hong Kong over 4 days.
we logged 3,007 species in total. Quite incredible.

Here a male changeable lizard suns himself.
This from the organisor:
"I hope this message finds you all well, safe and healthy in these difficult times.
The City Nature Challenge results are in! Despite global lockdowns, 41,165 observers from 244 cities around the world came together to document biodiversity adding over 815,000 observations to the iNaturalist database. An incredible feat! As for us, Hong Kong recorded 3007 species in 4 days with only Cape Town and Houston/Galveston recording more. We are also the Top City in Asia for amount of observations and observers".
I hope you can join in next year, with some pre-organised events, and also keep using the APP.